布什的兄弟 & 公司工艺水回收设备



像许多生产线一样的生产设备, this Tennessee manufacturer had for years relied on local water and wells for water to support the production process. 与此同时,该工厂在生产过程中产生了废水. Today the manufacturer of Bush’s Beans has installed a system to reduce the impact on the local water supply by supplementing their non-food contact water source with reuse water from their waste treatment process.


Brown和Caldwell-澳门足彩app的合资团队提供了架构, 为新建的2幢楼宇提供结构及水管工程服务.5 MGD填海设施, 加上关键服务,包括施工管理, 会计, 采购及合约管理. The team collaborated on multiple design alternatives and comprehensive 采购ment strategies to deliver $10 million in savings to the Client.


随着可持续升级, the facility has ensured compliance with current and future state 环境 and conservation requirements while incorporating sustainable practices that reduce long-term operating costs. 以前被归类为生产废物的东西现在可以加以利用了吗, 清理并分发给产生它的过程使用.

  • 2.5 MGD工艺水回收设施
  • 新操作 & 管理设施
  • 沼气提纯 & 运输设施
  • 创新思维为客户节省了1000多万美元
  • 可持续设计减少了当地的用水需求
  • 回收的沼气用于锅炉运行,以降低运行成本


The planning and coordination of the construction interface between the new WWTP and our operating production facility have been very effective. BC-澳门足彩app团队在一个开放和协作的环境中工作. 设计 or field construction challenges are addressed in a direct and objective manner with all parties focused on a common goal of successful project delivery and start-up."

布什兄弟公司的工程总监 & 公司

The planning and coordination of the construction interface between the new WWTP and our operating production facility have been very effective. BC-澳门足彩app团队在一个开放和协作的环境中工作. 设计 or field construction challenges are addressed in a direct and objective manner with all parties focused on a common goal of successful project delivery and start-up."

布什兄弟公司的工程总监 & 公司

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